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How to Improve Your Listening Skills In English Language with urdu

How to improve your listening skills in english language with urdu , listening to what others have to say is very important as it is a form of communication. Therefore, understanding the importance of listening and ways to practice good listening skills is what we all must learn. Listening is not a passive task. We need to absorb what the other person has to say. Listening is different from hearing. When we listen to someone we are understanding him/her, but when we hear the other person we are not paying our attention. Hearing unlike listening is an involuntary process.Communication in today’s time is very important. Where each and everyone is so engrossed in their respective lives that giving time to listening to others is a rare gift these days.

Effective listening is important as it helps in building relationships at work, at school and in various other fields of life. Effective listening also helps to solve problems, eliminates conflicts and improves the accuracy rate.

Let’s look at some effective ways to build listening skills

Maintain Eye Contact With the Speaker

One of the basic form of communication is maintaining eye contact with the speaker. When someone is talking to you, they need your full attention, and for that, you need to shut out all the external thoughts and pay attention to their voice their facial expressions and their body language. One favor you can do for the speaker is to look them in the eye when they talk.

Stay Relaxed But Listen

Now, once you have made eye contact, you don’t need to stare at them and make them uneasy. You can look elsewhere now that they have your attention. Stay relaxed but still listen to them. In other words, be attentive.

Put yourself in their Position

Whenever you feel you are unable to listen to them and are feeling distracted, put yourself in their position and see. What they are speaking may not be important to you, but, it is to them. And imagine if someone is not paying attention to what you say, how will you feel? The speaker feels the exact same thing. Make an effort to understand why and what they are saying.

Ask Questions

You don’t need to interrupt the speaker while they are talking but jot down the questions you are not sure of. This way you will stay focused and attentive. And the best part is the speaker knows you were listening.

Practice Active Listening

You can start this exercise at home. Ask a member of the family to give a small speech and at the end give them feedback. Do this every other day until you feel you are able to pay your attention to the speaker.

Try To Feel the Speakers Emotions

Your effectiveness as a listener will be assured the day you are able to feel the speaker’s emotions. Let’s say the speaker is talking about a sad thing, if you are able to convey this feeling in your face and words, that’s it. You have learned the art of listening to others in an effective manner.

You need to take control of the listening process. Once you are doing well in that, you will turn into an enhanced conversationalist. Try to follow the methods mentioned above to improve your listening skills.