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How to speak english language fluently in 10 days with urdu

How to speak english language fluently in 10 days. English is a universal language and the need to learn English is very important. Many people feel  that learning English is difficult as it is a tough language. However, with the proper guidance and help, learning English as a second language can be a fun experience.

speak english fluently in urdu
speak english fluently with urdu

Let’s look at the 6 rules you must learn to speak English language fluently.

How to speak english fluently in 10 days

Don’t dig deep in the grammar:

One big mistake people make while learning the language is that they try to dig themselves into the grammar while giving less time to the conversational skills you require to speak English fluently. In order to speak the language you need to focus more on the conversing rather than the grammar.

Study the different English language phrases:

Most students give time to learning new words while giving less or no time to how to create a sentence or phrase. The words you learn may improve your vocabulary, but, is of no  use until you know how and where to use them appropriately. Therefore, try to spend more time on learning how to form phrases rather than focusing more on the words.

Learn to Listen:

Before you learn how to speak the language, you must give time to listening to others speak the language so that you understand how the conversation takes place.

Try to Interact with Social Groups Who speak in English language:

Do not submerge yourself to limited groups. Try to interact as much as you can.

Do Not Translate every word:

Do not complicate the language by trying to translate each and every word. Most of the time the topic of conversation is confused because the listener tries to know the literal meaning of the words. However, if you fail to understand what the speaker is saying, ask. Don’t be afraid to ask and clarifying doubts.

Don’t be afraid to join a conversation:

If you are afraid that people will make fun of your mispronunciations and accent, you will never learn. Learn to beat your fear and join the conversations. You will fail once, or twice, but eventually, you will learn. And with learning you gain experience. The more experience you have, the fluent you are in the English language

In order to learn the language, you don’t need to go abroad. You can learn from where you are. There are many people who go abroad to study but fail to learn the English language because they don’t interact with the native English speakers. Learn English by simply submitting yourself to the language. For this, ask your present friends to speak in English with you. The more you speak the language, the more you learn and the faster you learn. Try to spend more time watching movies and TV shows in English. If possible, try to download the movies with translations for better understanding.

Once you have surrounded yourself in the English language, you will start seeing changes in yourself and the way you speak.